 Research    Synthesis  Design  Solution
iCube - Listen Out Loud
Initial Research/Overview
Media Research
Physical Space


Understanding the cube

Cubicle work spaces can be somewhat confining and impersonal. The workspace is often set by the company, with little individuality of the space.

However, people can customize their cubes to be more habitable and personalized. There are innovative new workplace ideas such as IDEO's design of a cubicle. This inspired us to lean toward personalization.

In our research, we found that cubicle heights vary from 4 to 6 feet high. Only two colors were available at Office Depot: beige-ish and blue-ish.

In consideration of the cubicle, our design of a music player went toward the direction of personalization. In particular, we wanted to design a player that brought the worker away from the repetition and mundanity of work. It was important to design something that would elevate the mood of the user from doldrums.

Research Synthesis Design Solution        
IID 2005 . Human-Computer Interaction Institute . Carnegie Mellon University