 Research  Synthesis    Design  Solution
iCube - Listen Out Loud
Synthesis Overview
Concept Scenarios
Focus Group Results
User Needs

Synthesis Overview

From the data to a concept

Based on our user resarch, we determined the key points in listening to music in a cube farm. The most significant need was a player that would naturally integrate with the work--either through the flow of work or with the environment. First we brainstormed what is constantly in an office such as post-its, pens and papers. From there, we brainstormed features that a player should embody to address the needs of our target user.

We drew out possible user scenarios to help guide our design process. From there we came up with possible solutions that addressed the problems a user would encounter.

One example use case scenario follows:

Bill walks into work with his mobile player. He takes off his headphones and slides the player into a slot in his desk. The desk system reads the mp3s on his mobile player and syncs it with Bill's music account. Bill sits in his chair which automatically senses his presence. An interactive display is automatically activated. Bills sees a floating display with four colored blobs and a small black blob in the middle. He moves the black blob to the smaller green blob, which he remembers played really good music when he last set it there. The music starts playing through an ambient environment from the cube. Yet people in adjacent cubes cannot hear the music because of the directed sound technology. Bill starts doing work. Suddenly, Pita from next door pokes her head in asking for an update on the G87 reports. The music automatically lowers in volume as Bill and Pita exchange updates. Pita leaves and the music increases in volume as Bill settles in his chair continuing work.

Research Synthesis Design Solution        
IID 2005 . Human-Computer Interaction Institute . Carnegie Mellon University