 Research  Synthesis    Design  Solution
iCube - Listen Out Loud
Synthesis Overview
Concept Scenarios
Focus Group Results
User Needs

Focus Group Results

Understanding what they want

Focus Group Structure

  • Discuss work environment and typical work environment
  • Discuss music listening habits at work
  • Presented music listening habits at work
  • Presented each concept asked for initial reasons
  • What do you like most/least about this concept
  • Publicly record feedback/input about each concept

Key Points from Results

  • Very interested in the directional sound technology
  • A player which fits into their natural interactions
  • Defined the sense of personal vs. communal
  • The elimination of headphones is very appealing
  • What about those people who don't listen to music?
  • Existing music player and integrate into concepts
  • Aware of work environment and surroundings
  • After hour music playlists
  • Liked the fact that concepts took advantage of existing objects and features of cubicle
  • No worry about locking up music player brought to work every day

Focus Group Participants

25 year old Systems Analyst
  • bring ipod to work almost every day and plugs it into his computer speakers to listen to music
  • 36 year old marketing manager
  • doesn't listen to music himself, as always in meetings, but employees listen to music all the time
  • 24 year old secretary
  • would love to listen to music at work, but company does not allow for music to be played during the workday
  • 22 year old summer intern in IT department
  • spent his entire summer writing code and didn't interact with anyone in the cubes around him (listened to online radio stations with headphones)
  • 21 year old network security coordinator
  • listens to music with headphones from a personal laptop
  • when working after-hours, turns on speakers and listens to music stored on a shared drive
  • 20 year old computing assistant
  • listens to music from a personal music player at work
  • when there is less people around him, turns on music played from shared drive onto the computer speakers.
  • Focus Group Quotes

    On Active Desktop/E-ink:
    "...that is a really cool idea, but my desk is always full of papers! Where do the buttons go when my desk is completely covered?"
    "...the 'virtual folder' concept is a good one--I am pulling file folders out of my drawers every day...that seems very natural"
    "...there is so much going on [the desk]! Why not just use my mp3 player?"
    "I like how you can bring your own music into the desk."

    On the Smart Chair:
    "...seems like it would be real easy to use Ð I really like the idea of having everything stored on my ID card"
    "...what if I could control the sound with my voice so I wouldn't even have to move my hands away from the keyboard"
    "...the auto-mute is what I like since people come up to me every so often. This way I don't have to take off my headphones."

    On an interactive virtual interface:
    "...there may be a bit of a learning curve with this thing...this may be a hard concept to grasp for some of those older people that I work with..."
    "...this seems the most natural and organic. I like things that really blend in with my space."

    Research Synthesis Design Solution        
    IID 2005 . Human-Computer Interaction Institute . Carnegie Mellon University