 Research  Synthesis    Design  Solution
iCube - Listen Out Loud
Synthesis Overview
Concept Scenarios
Focus Group Results
User Needs

User Needs

Getting at the core needs

From our initial research of media research, user interviews, and physical space research, we came up with a list of needs to address in our design.

In particular, our user needs mainly dealt with the integration of the player into the work environment and most importantly, the flow of work.

In summary, our user needs are:

  • Do not disturb others in nearby cubicles while listening to music
  • Concerns of the player being misplaced
  • Personal space vs. communal space
  • Battery power of player should not decrease
  • Be aware of their space - i.e. for impromptu meetings and when the phone rings
  • Fit in with corporate culture but allow user to individualize
  • Help create a sense of community amongst co-workers

Research Synthesis Design Solution        
IID 2005 . Human-Computer Interaction Institute . Carnegie Mellon University