 Research  Synthesis    Design  Solution
iCube - Listen Out Loud
Synthesis Overview
Concept Scenarios
Focus Group Results
User Needs

Concept Scenarios

Going for the pie in the sky

Scenario #1 - Smart Chair

The Smart Chair utilizes directional sound technology and a swipe card to access and play music so that the user sitting in the chair only can hear it.
Need: limited space and personal space within cube

Scenario #2 - Active Desk

The Active Desktop takes advantage of the user's desk as an interface through which a cubicle worker can listen to music. This melds itself with the elements of the workspace.
Need: limited space within cube

Scenario #3 - Floating Interface

The interface virtual interface is a gesture-based system which allows cubicle workers to interface with their digital music and sense approaching co-workers or phone calls.
Need: limited space within cube, integration in flow of work

Research Synthesis Design Solution        
IID 2005 . Human-Computer Interaction Institute . Carnegie Mellon University