 Research  Synthesis  Design    Solution
iCube - Listen Out Loud
Initial Prototype Design
Video Sketch Design
Design Process

Video Sketch

Demonstrating our concept

Through our video sketch, we aimed to show how our player addressed the user needs of workers in cube farms. Rather than creating a video sketch that only displayed the features of our final design, we opted to create a video sketch that contrasted two scenarios. In the first scenario, we show a worker in a cube farm struggling with music without our player. Here, we showed the problems that people encountered listening to music today. In the second scenario, we emphasized how life would be improved with our player. In contrast, the player solved the problems shown in the first scenario. This method of contrast we believe better point out the qualities of our player.

We used storyboards to determine what kind of shots we needed. In the storyboards, we also included shots that would demonstrate actions that were significant in the plotline. We first wrote out a script to help guide us in our plotline (initial script, final script)

Using these considerations, we authored two scenarios:

Scene 1:

    Introduce primary character and his work environment
    Means by which the character listens to music at work
    Distracting others who are nearby
    Problems with having to use headphones while working
    Unaware of his surroundings

Scene 2:

    Integration of portable music player into our concept
    Directed sound technology
    Ability to transfer music onto ID card (mobility)
    Control music with stylus-like device (gesture-based)
    Better sense of his surroundings and environment
    Share music with others (personal vs. communal space)

Scene 1:

Shawn gets off the bus going to work:

Shawn enters the office:

Shawn connects the ipod to the speakers because he doesn't like using headphones because they get in the way of his work:

A co-worker approaches Shawn and asks him to turn down his music:

Shawn disconnects the ipod from the speakers and listens to the music through headphones:

A co-worker approaches from behind Shawn and warns about a meeting:

Shawn doesn't hear the worker and looks behind him, thinking there was something there. He is confused and drops his ipod:

Scene 2:

Shawn inserts mp3 player into iCube:

Shawn swipes his id to start the iCube:

He gestures "Piebald" to change the song to this artist:

He gestures to the next track:

Co-worker peeks around cubicle wall:

Co-worker asks a question:

Volume of iCube auto-mutes so that Shawn can hear the co-worker:

Co-worker hands over report:

Research Synthesis Design Solution        
IID 2005 . Human-Computer Interaction Institute . Carnegie Mellon University