 Research  Synthesis  Design    Solution
iCube - Listen Out Loud
Initial Prototype Design
Video Sketch Design
Design Process

Design Process

From Design and Back Again

With our video sketch outline and storyboards, we started the process of putting the video sketch together. Throughout the process, we brainstormed ways of completing tasks as well as coming up with new ideas. This was very useful toward our final design.

Prototype Process

We needed to find relatively cheap material that we could use to build our prototype. In particular, we wanted to use a real office chair. Because the chair was red, we chose to color our prototype red as well to emphasize integration of the player.

Finding the Set

Our set of the cube farm needed fit the mood we were trying to convey. Because our music player was designed for a company that valued employees To prepare, we found a set that most resembled the kind of cube farm we were designing for. At first, we wanted to use a stereotypical cubicle with simply fabric walls. However, it was too plain, too colorless. Therefore we settled on a cube farm that had slightly more color and personality.

Soundtrack Music Selection

We selected the songs to carry the mood for each different scene. In particular, we chose "Off Minor" by Thelonious Monk with John Coltrane to reflect the disorganization of the protagonist in the first scene. The bagpipes song from Dropkick Murphys also add the protagonist's confusion and loss. In the second scene, we chose to go with a faster beat of dance music to reflect a fast-paced but satisfying environment.


Our diversity of backgrounds and experience added a higher level of creativity to the project. A conflict of ideas helped us generate new ways of doing things. We utilized technologies that we had to support our work.

Research Synthesis Design Solution        
IID 2005 . Human-Computer Interaction Institute . Carnegie Mellon University